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John Lee 李宏斌

Music Interests

Mandpop, Cantopop, Rock, Pop, Metal, Funk, sometimes EDM


John started dabbing in songwriting in 2008 but it was only until 2010 that he started to write proper songs for the Mandopop market. He writes with his acoustic guitar usually in darkness and loves to hum to his own melodies he created while on the MRT and on the bus. Since 2011, John is a lecturer in the Sonic Arts at Republic Polytechnic teaching sound design for visual media, world music and sonic art studio courses after slogging hard at various television networks and media agencies as a sound designer and audio engineer.

2012 – NTU Music Express Songwriting Finalist
2013 – 1st Cohort Career in Hit Melody Songwriting MDA-WDA
2016 – Funkie Monkies Songwriting Camp “20 hits in 10 hours” Melody Composer